Introducing the Iron Condor

Introducing the Iron Condor

Iron Condors are a popular options trading strategy used by both professional and retail traders.  Today we will cover the basic components of Iron Condors and how they work.  There are many variations of Iron Condor strategies; we will discuss the...
Give Yourself a Trading Edge … Use Implied Volatility, IV Percentile, and IV Rank

Give Yourself a Trading Edge … Use Implied Volatility, IV Percentile, and IV Rank

Volatility levels are widely used by traders when making a decision to enter or exit a position.  Understanding the differences between the various metrics of volatility can help gauge option pricing, and can be essential in your efforts to be more consistently...
What is a Risk Reversal Strategy?

What is a Risk Reversal Strategy?

Today you will learn about the risk reversal. It can be used to protect or hedge your stock, position, or portfolio.   A risk reversal can be useful to guard against a major market move.  Risk reversals can also be used as a directional position. A risk reversal can...
What is a Broken Wing Butterfly?

What is a Broken Wing Butterfly?

The broken wing butterfly (BWB) is an advanced strategy involving the use of multiple options.  The butterfly strategy is generally thought of as a neutral to slightly directional strategy, which will often benefit when the market does not move too much in price. A...
What is a Calendar Spread?

What is a Calendar Spread?

A calendar spread is a strategy often referred to as a time spread.   A calendar is a method which could benefit from the time decay of an option and changes in implied volatility. For the most part a calendar concentrates on the movement of time and volatility more...