Easy Peasy Iron Condors

Easy Peasy Iron Condors

Tom Nunamaker is presenting his Easy Peasy Iron Condors (EPIC) on the Round Table on Wednesday 24 Jan 2024. The EPIC is an iron condor options trade that expires the same day (0 DTE). >>> Register for the Round Table webinar here <<< Tom has been...
The Boxcar Trade

The Boxcar Trade

Dan Harvey introduced us to his “Boxcar Trade” on March 24, 2020 in Trading Group 1. Two weeks later, he showed us an update and answered more questions about it. The Boxcar Trade is a modified Weirdor (which Dan also created). The Boxcar is a much shorter...
Member’s Website Layout Change

Member’s Website Layout Change

I wrote the original code for the member's site frameworks many years ago. CSS has changed quite a bit since the old days. I decided to start moving the code to a new CSS a few years ago. The latest change is to incorporate CSS Grid. CSS Grid is a great way to replace...