The Trade-Offs of Using Wide and Narrow Vertical Spreads
Many options traders sell put credit spreads. They can sell them alone or in combination with other spreads to create more complex spreads like an iron condor. First, let’s define what a put credit spread is. A put credit spread (also known as a short put spread) is...
Trading In For A Better Life
Tom did an interview explaining how he started Aeromir and his philosophy.
Amy Meissner's New A14 Weekly Option Strategy
Amy Meissner tripled a trading account in 15-months. The A14 Weekly Option Strategy embodies the methods she used to triple her account.
Timezone Trade Alerts
Amy Meissner's Timezone Trade is coming to on Thursday!
Are we Loose or Tight?
Wayne discusses the internet revolution version two and how significant this will be world wide.
New Money and New Markets
Wayne discusses the internet revolution version two and how significant this will be world wide.
The FED Life Preserver
Wayne discusses the FED's life preserver to the economy.
Wayne's Market Commentary for the Week of March 16th
Wayne discusses the housing market and why home prices are still rising
Wayne's Market Commentary for the Week of March 9th
Wayne compares the Sleep Well Portfolio to RIsk Parity (RPAR) and SPY.
Portfolio Effects of Increasing Volatility
Wayne Klump presented how increasing volatility effects portfolio performance on the Round Table. Wayne compared two portfolios with different win percentages and returns. Wayne talked about the Fractional Kelly Criterion and how to apply it.