Which Broker is Best? Things to Consider When Choosing a Brokerage Firm

Which Broker is Best? Things to Consider When Choosing a Brokerage Firm Most traders shop around from time to time for the best brokerage firm for their trading needs. The first question usually asked is: “What are your commissions?” While low commissions...

Core Concepts: Let’s Touch on Gamma

Gamma is the delta of the delta. Gamma will measure approximately how much the delta changes with a price change in the underlying stock. Gamma and delta are related because gamma measures how much the delta will theoretically move. As gamma increases, it can affect...
What Happens When You Try Too Hard to Make Money?

What Happens When You Try Too Hard to Make Money?

In the trading world, it's called “pressing”, forcing a trade to make more money. Pressing (trying too hard) can hide itself in many ways…position size too large, not adhering to your trade plan, etc. Pressing is totally the opposite mindset of trading...
Have a Plan – Trade Your Plan

Have a Plan – Trade Your Plan

The phrase “Have a Plan; Trade Your Plan” has been used over and over again, and applies to many different business applications. I am a firm believer in having a plan, whether it is a one month plan, one year plan, or a 10 year plan, to achieve your goals...
Accepting Losses

Accepting Losses

If you haven't learned how to accept a loss in trading, perhaps you shouldn't be trading at all. Losing trades are all part of the process and should a component of every trader's mental awareness. What is just as important, or more important, is recognizing this...