Year End Goal Setting

Year End Goal Setting

As we come to the end of another trading year, it is that time when we make a few personal decisions. Will you reflect and review on your performance over the past year? Did you set goals for 2015 and if so, how did you do and why? Will you set new goals and a plan of...

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Managing a Multi-Tranche Weirdor Webinar

Managing a Multi-Tranche Weirdor Webinar

Amy Meissner's popular Weirdor Trade Alert Service has garnered a devoted following. Amy's 25-month average monthly return is 3.33%. After sharing in her successes with the standard Single Tranche trade, many have asked about how to trade a larger account and handle a...

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Rhino Trade Alerts

Rhino Trade Alerts

Rhino Trade Alerts Brian Larson's popular Rhino trade is very forgiving in large market moves. It was designed to have minimum adjustments over the life of the trade so it is suitable for traders who have full time jobs and can't be at their computers during the...

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Round Table with Tom Nunamaker – The Reverse Harvey

Round Table with Tom Nunamaker – The Reverse Harvey

Tom Nunamaker is presenting the Reverse Harvey on the Round Table this week on Thursday at 4:30pm ET.

The Reverse Harvey is a great trade adjustment technique to use as your trades are making money. The Reverse Harvey

  • Reduces margin, sometimes by over 50%
  • Flattens the T+0 line and widens the T+0 break even points
  • Still retains most of the original profit potential.
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Beginner Trading Group

Beginner Trading Group

If you're getting started with option trading, or want a refresher, check out our new Beginner Trading Group. Jerry Furst, from Trader's Education Network, hosts the group and does a great job teaching option trading concepts and answering your questions. Join the...

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Charles Cottle presents Position Dissection and Alternate Hedging Strategies

Charles Cottle presents Position Dissection and Alternate Hedging Strategies

Charles Cottle, aka the “Risk Doctor“, is presenting “Position Dissection and Alternate Hedging Strategies” on Wednesday at 4:30pm Eastern Time.

With the increase in volatility in the markets, Charle Cottle's presentation comes at a perfect time to help you understand your option positions and to help protect your portfolio.

Sign up for the webinar

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