Are we Loose or Tight?

Are we Loose or Tight?

When journalists say that we have a tight monetary policy or loose (or expansionary) monetary policy, they refer to the governing body's position on stimulating an economy or cooling down an economy. There are a few common ways that governments can affect the economy...
New Money and New Markets

New Money and New Markets

October 12, 1492 changed the world as they knew it. The Americas were discovered! What changed? The discovery of the Americas by Europeans had a drastic impact on wealth and how it was created in Europe. Gold and silver flooded the counties of Europe with coinage. In...
The FED Life Preserver

The FED Life Preserver

The “News” is just starting to come around to the fact that bonds have been a losing trade. As a Sleep Well subscriber this is kind of comical. The “News” is almost always behind the curve. For the last 6 months we have stated bonds were a no go. We are now shifting...
Portfolio Effects of Increasing Volatility

Portfolio Effects of Increasing Volatility

Wayne Klump presented how increasing volatility effects portfolio performance on the Round Table on Friday. Wayne compared two portfolios with different win percentages and returns. Wayne talked about the Fractional Kelly Criterion and how to apply it. Over the last...