I stopped using OptionEtics Platinum in 2006 and switched to OptionVue software.

It wasn’t cheap.

I think I paid over $3000 with the annual maintenance. The BackTrader software was a one-time purchase versus the annual fee it is today. I was happy to only have to pay the $399/year STAR maintenance package to keep my software humming along with delayed quotes.

Dan Harvey told me a few days ago in our trading group that OptionVue was raising their prices on January 1, 2015. I didn’t get the email announcing this so I contacted Len Yates to get a copy, which they sent to me. I pasted the entire email in a forum post to discuss this price increase in our forums.

Here is the new pricing, effective January 1, 2015:

One sentence jumps out of the email OptionVue sent to me:

“…choosing one of the available plans will be the only option for OptionVue 7 clients to continue to receive service.”

What Was That?

I missed this initially but Karen Rae confirmed this on the phone last night. If you already purchased OptionVue software, your software will NOT WORK after your STAR subscription expires. You HAVE to sign up for a lease.

I have never heard of a software company that sold you their software and later required you to have a lease to run what they already sold you earlier.

I’ve spoken to several OptionVue clients and none of them are happy about this.

New Pricing Is Good For Newer Subscribers

If you are new to OptionVue, the pricing is competitive with other alternatives. The OptionVue modeling is the best I’ve personally seen. I don’t know what some higher end tools like Silexx’s Obsidian use for modeling, but Jim Riggio uses it and I think it’s one of his favorite tools. I’ve heard their pro version is $400 to $800 per month, which makes OptionVue’s pricing seem quite reasonable.

I have a feeling I’ll keep using OptionVue as I do trust the modeling and I can’t afford $400 to $800 per month for my modeling tool (yet). I don’t mind paying for quality tools. I do mind paying a lease for a tool I already bought.

I’m looking forward to what OptionVue will do to treat their older clients with some consideration.

We have a forum thread to discuss this price increase. Share your thoughts!