by Joanna White | Oct 12, 2018 | Options trading
Diversifying your portfolio can help reduce some of the risks in trading, as well as help to maximize your returns. Most professional investment advisors will agree that while diversification certainly does not provide any guarantee to prevent losses, it can be a...
by Kim Klaiman | Aug 5, 2018 | Options trading
Options trading becomes more and more popular every year. The options become more liquid and more traders use them for hedging, speculation, income etc. Weekly options (weeklys), introduced by CBOE in October 2005, are one-week options as opposed to traditional...
by Joanna White | Apr 25, 2016 | General, Trading
You insure your house. You insure your car. Do you insure your portfolio and/or your positions? There are many differences of opinion among traders as to the benefit of insurance on your positions, or your overall portfolio. This article will touch on some of the...