Naked Option Margin Calculator

Naked Option Margin Calculator

Estimate margin required for selling naked options.

Gross Maintenance Margin is your margin required
Net Margin Required is your net cash required.

Broad based indexes use 15% vs 20% in the margin calculation

Underlying Type   
Underlying Price $$
Option Price $


$optionProceeds = $optionPrice * 100.0 * $optionContracts;
$tenPercentOfUnderlying = 0.10 * $stockPrice * 100.0 * $optionContracts;
if ( $underlyingType == ‘i' ){
$twentyPercentOfUnderlying = 0.15 * $stockPrice * 100.0 * $optionContracts;
else {
$twentyPercentOfUnderlying = 0.20 * $stockPrice * 100.0 * $optionContracts;
$outOfMoneyAmount = 0.00;

if ( ($optiontype == ‘c' && $stockPrice < $optionStrike)
|| ($optiontype == ‘p' && $stockPrice > $optionStrike) ) {
$outOfMoneyAmount = 100.0 * abs($stockPrice) – $optionStrike * $optionContracts;

$case1 = $optionProceeds + $twentyPercentOfUnderlying – $outOfMoneyAmount;
$case2 = $optionProceeds + 10.0 * $optionContracts * $optionStrike;

if ( $case1 > $case2 )
$margin = $case1;
$margin = $case2;

$marginInitial = $margin – $optionPrice * 100.0 * $optionContracts;

/* debugging
echo ‘tenPercentOfUnderlying = ‘ . $tenPercentOfUnderlying . ‘
echo ‘outOfMoneyAmount = ‘ . $outOfMoneyAmount . ‘
echo ‘twentyPercentOfUnderlying = ‘ . $twentyPercentOfUnderlying . ‘
echo ‘margin = ‘ . $margin . ‘
echo ‘case1 = ‘ . $case1 . ‘
echo ‘case2 = ‘ . $case2 . ‘

if ( $optiontype == ‘c' && $stockPrice > $optionStrike ) {
echo ‘

Call is in-the-money

else if ( $optiontype == ‘c' && $stockPrice < $optionStrike ) {
echo ‘

Call is out-of-the-money

else if ( $optiontype == ‘c' ) {
echo ‘

Call is at-the-money

else if ( $optiontype == ‘p' && $stockPrice < $optionStrike ) {
echo ‘

Put is in-the-money

else if ( $optiontype == ‘p' && $stockPrice > $optionStrike ) {
echo ‘

Put is out-of-the-money

else {
echo ‘

Put is at-the-money

echo ‘

Initial Margin

echo ‘

echo ‘

echo ‘

echo ‘

echo ‘

echo ‘

echo ‘

echo ‘

echo ‘

echo ‘

echo ‘

echo ‘

echo ‘

echo ‘

$' . number_format($margin, 2, ‘.', ‘,') . ‘ Gross Maintenance Margin
-$' . number_format($optionPrice * 100.0 * $optionContracts, 2, ‘.', ‘,') . ‘ Proceeds from sale of short options
$' . number_format($marginInitial, 2, ‘.', ‘,') . ‘ Net Margin Required

