Accepting Losses

Accepting Losses

If you haven't learned how to accept a loss in trading, perhaps you shouldn't be trading at all. Losing trades are all part of the process and should a component of every trader's mental awareness. What is just as important, or more important, is recognizing this...

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Year End Goal Setting

Year End Goal Setting

As we come to the end of another trading year, it is that time when we make a few personal decisions. Will you reflect and review on your performance over the past year? Did you set goals for 2015 and if so, how did you do and why? Will you set new goals and a plan of...

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The Concept of Compounding

The Concept of Compounding

Albert Einstein called compound interest "the greatest mathematical discovery of all time." "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it." Albert Einstein As we near the close of 2015, I felt this...

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Do You Have A Winning Image?

Do You Have A Winning Image?

"What makes trading so fascinating and, at the same time, difficult to learn is that you really don't need lots of skills; you just need a winning attitude." Mark Douglas Winners are aware of an inner state which wants to expand. This inner state has an image of...

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