Rhino Trade Alerts

Brian Larson's popular Rhino trade is very forgiving in large market moves. It was designed to have minimum adjustments over the life of the trade so it is suitable for traders who have full time jobs and can't be at their computers during the entire trading day.

The Rhino trade has several objectives:

  • Preserve capital
  • Easy to manage
  • Profit target of 10% on capital with an average of 5% to 6% return on capital per trade
  • Can safely overlap two months

The Rhino trade uses three spreads:

  • PUT Broken-Wing Butterflies
  • CALL Calendar Spreads
  • CALL Broken-Wing Butterflies

Brian trades on the RUT and SPX indices and enters from 56 to 84 days until expiration.

Watch A Replay Of Brian Introducing The Rhino Trade

Brian's Rhino Trade Alerts

Brian's Rhino Trade Alerts send you Brian's trades in real time via email and SMS text message. Brian regularly uploads trade screen shots and a weekly recap video. Brian's trade messages and emails are available on the member web page, including a tab for you to ask Brian questions.


Bruno Voisin took over from Brian and now runs the Rhino Trade Alerts. More information is at https://aeromir.com/rhino