The Every Day Calendar

The Every Day Calendar

I was watching a fantastic video from Veritasium's YouTube channel “Why Most Resolutions Fail & How To Succeed.” In the video, Derek talks about the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. One of the ideas in the book is that you should try to...
Forex Basics Quiz

Forex Basics Quiz

Foreign Currency trading has many different terms from trading equities or futures. See you well you know some of the basics of forex trading. See you how do! [wpViralQuiz id=4381]
Order Entry Quiz

Order Entry Quiz

Entering orders in your broker's platform can sometimes be confusing. There are many different types of orders. Take this quiz and see if you know what types of orders to place. [wpViralQuiz id=4369] Use our online tool to help you determine your stop and profit...
The Boxcar Trade

The Boxcar Trade

Dan Harvey introduced us to his “Boxcar Trade” on March 24, 2020 in Trading Group 1. Two weeks later, he showed us an update and answered more questions about it. The Boxcar Trade is a modified Weirdor (which Dan also created). The Boxcar is a much shorter...
Recent Big Moves and Intra-Day Swings with Night Owl™

Recent Big Moves and Intra-Day Swings with Night Owl™

NOTE: Mark Ansel's Night Owl™ has been providing intra-day trading advisories on crude oil (CL) and the Euro (6E) futures for several years. The following article is a compilation of forum posts that Mark made from 3-18 March of this year. During the past week or so,...